Wednesday, March 12, 2008


SAP IT.........................

SAP, started in 1972 by five former IBM employees in Mannheim, Germany, states that it is the world's largest inter-enterprise software company and the world's fourth-largest independent software supplier, overall.
The original name for SAP was German: Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte, German for "Systems Applications and Products." The original SAP idea was to provide customers with the ability to interact with a common corporate database for a comprehensive range of applications. Gradually, the applications have been assembled and today many corporations, including IBM and Microsoft, are using SAP products to run their own businesses.

SAP applications, built around their latest R/3 system, provide the capability to manage financial, asset, and cost accounting, production operations and materials, personnel, plants, and archived documents. The R/3 system runs on a number of platforms including Windows 2000 and uses the client/server model. The latest version of R/3 includes a comprehensive Internet-enabled package.

SAP has recently recast its product offerings under a comprehensive Web interface, called, and added new e-business applications, including customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM).

As of January 2007, SAP, a publicly traded company, had over 38,4000 employees in over 50 countries, and more than 36,200 customers around the world. SAP is turning its attention to small- and-medium sized businesses (SMB). A recent R/3 version was provided for IBM's AS/400 platform.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Family and Early Childhood
On October 28, 1955, shortly after 9:00 p.m., William Henry Gates III was born. He was born into a family with a rich history in business, politics, and community service. His great-grandfather had been a state legislator and mayor, his grandfather was the vice president of a national bank, and his father was a prominent lawyer. [Wallace, 1992, p. 8-9] Early on in life, it was apparent that Bill Gates inherited the ambition, intelligence, and competitive spirit that had helped his progenitors rise to the top in their chosen professions. In elementary school he quickly surpassed all of his peer's abilities in nearly all subjects, especially math and science. His parents recognized his intelligence and decided to enroll him in Lakeside, a private school known for its intense academic environment. This decision had far reaching effects on Bill Gates's life. For at Lakeside, Bill Gates was first introduced to computers.

First computing Experience
In the Spring of 1968, the Lakeside prep school decided that it should acquaint the student body with the world of computers [, 9/29/96]. Computers were still too large and costly for the school to purchase its own. Instead, the school had a fund raiser and bought computer time on a DEC PDP-10 owned by General Electric. A few thousand dollars were raised which the school figured would buy more than enough time to last into the next school year. However, Lakeside had drastically underestimated the allure this machine would have for a hand full of young students.

Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and a few other Lakeside students (many of whom were the first programmers hired at Microsoft) immediately became inseparable from the computer. They would stay in the computer room all day and night, writing programs, reading computer literature and anything else they could to learn about computing. Soon Gates and the others started running into problems with the faculty. Their homework was being turned in late (if at all), they were skipping classes to be in the computer room and worst of all, they had used up all of the schools computer time in just a few weeks. [Wallace, 1992, p. 24]

In the fall of 1968, Computer Center Corporation opened for business in Seattle. It was offering computing time at good rates, and one of the chief programmers working for the corporation had a child attending Lakeside. A deal was struck between Lakeside Prep School and the Computer Center Corporation that allowed the school to continue providing it's students with computer time. [Wallace, 1992, p. 27] Gates and his comrades immediately began exploring the contents of this new machine. It was not long before the young hackers started causing problems. They caused the system to crash several times and broke the computers security system. They even altered the files that recorded the amount of computer time they were using. They were caught and the Computer Center Corporation banned them from the system for several weeks.

Bill Gates, Paul Allen and, two other hackers from Lakeside formed the Lakeside Programmers Group in late 1968. They were determined to find a way to apply their computer skills in the real world. The first opportunity to do this was a direct result of their mischievous activity with the school's computer time. The Computer Center Corporation's business was beginning to suffer due to the systems weak security and the frequency that it crashed. Impressed with Gates and the other Lakeside computer addicts' previous assaults on their computer, the Computer Center Corporation decided to hire the students to find bugs and expose weaknesses in the computer system. In return for the Lakeside Programming Group's help, the Computer Center Corporation would give them unlimited computer time [Wallace, 1992, p. 27]. The boys could not refuse. Gates is quoted as saying "It was when we got free time at C-cubed (Computer Center Corporation) that we really got into computers. I mean, then I became hardcore. It was day and night" [Wallace, 1992, p. 30]. Although the group was hired just to find bugs, they also read any computer related material that the day shift had left behind. The young hackers would even pick employees for new information. It was here that Gates and Allen really began to develop the talents that would lead to the formation of Microsoft seven years later.

Roots of Business Career
Computer Center Corporation began to experience financial problems late in 1969. The company finally went out of business in March of 1970. The Lakeside Programmers Group had to find a new way to get computer time. Eventually they found a few computers on the University of Washington's campus where Allen's dad worked. The Lakeside Programmers Group began searching for new chances to apply their computer skills. Their first opportunity came early the next year when Information Sciences Inc. hired them to program a payroll program. Once again the group was given free computer time and for the first time, a source of income. ISI had agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the groups programs. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also had to become a legal business [Wallace, 1992, p. 42-43]. Gates and Allen's next project involved starting another company entirely on their own, Traf-O-Data. They produced a small computer which was used to help measure traffic flow. From the project they grossed around $20,000. The Traf-O-Data company lasted until Gates left for college. During Bill Gates' junior year at Lakeside, the administration offered him a job computerizing the school's scheduling system. Gates asked Allen to help with the project. He agreed and the following summer, they wrote the program. In his senior year, Gates and Allen continued looking for opportunities to use their skills and make some money. It was not long until they found this opportunity. The defense contractor TRW was having trouble with a bug infested computer similar to the one at Computer Center Corporation. TRW had learned of the experience the two had working on the Computer Center Corporation's system and offered Gates and Allen jobs. However thing would be different at TRW they would not be finding the bugs they would be in charge of fixing them. "It was at TRW that Gates began to develop as a serious programer," and it was there that Allen and Gates first started talking seriously about forming their own software company [Wallace, 1992, p. 49-51].

In the fall of 1973, Bill Gates left home for Harvard University [, 9/29/96]. He had no idea what he wanted to study, so he enrolled as prelaw. Gates took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvard's toughest math courses. He did well but just as in high school, his heart was not in his studies. After locating the school's computer center, he lost himself in the world of computers once again. Gates would spend many long nights in front of the school's computer and the next days asleep in class. Paul Allen and Gates remained in close contact even with Bill away at school. They would often discuss ideas for future projects and the possibility of one day starting a business. At the end of Gates's first year at Harvard, the two decided that Allen should move closer to him so that they may be able to follow up on some of their ideas. That summer they both got jobs working for Honeywell [Wallace, 1992, p. 59]. As the summer dragged on, Allen began to push Bill harder with the idea that they should open a software company. Gates was still not sure enough to drop out of school. The following year, however, that would all change.

The Birth of Microsoft
In December of 1974, Allen was on his way to visit Gates when along the way he stopped to browse the current magazines. What he saw changed his and Bill Gates's lives forever. On the cover of Popular Electronics was a picture of the Altair 8080 and the headline "World's First Microcomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models." He bought the issue and rushed over to Gates's dorm room. They both recognized this as their big opportunity. The two knew that the home computer market was about to explode and that someone would need to make software for the new machines. Within a few days, Gates had called MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems), the makers of the Altair. He told the company that he and Allen had developed a BASIC that could be used on the Altair [, 9/29/96]. This was a lie. They had not even written a line of code. They had neither an Altair nor the chip that ran the computer. The MITS company did not know this and was very interested in seeing their BASIC. So, Gates and Allen began working feverishly on the BASIC they had promised. The code for the program was left mostly up to Bill Gates while Paul Allen began working on a way to simulate the Altair with the schools PDP-10. Eight weeks later, the two felt their program was ready. Allen was to fly to MITS and show off their creation. The day after Allen arrived at MITS, it was time to test their BASIC. Entering the program into the company's Altair was the first time Allen had ever touched one. If the Altair simulation he designed or any of Gates's code was faulty, the demonstration would most likely have ended in failure. This was not the case, and the program worked perfectly the first time [Wallace, 1992, p. 80]. MITS arranged a deal with Gates and Allen to buy the rights to their BASIC.[, 9/29/96] Gates was convinced that the software market had been born. Within a year, Bill Gates had dropped out of Harvard and Microsoft was formed.

GO GOOGLE.....................

Google Inc.'s long-anticipated acquisition of online ad service DoubleClick Inc. is expected to turn the Internet search leader into an even more powerful marketing vehicle that's fueled by better insights about consumers.

The $3.1 billion deal, completed Tuesday after nearly a year of regulatory wrangling, also may intensify the pressure on Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc. to resolve their stormy courtship so they don't risk further distractions while Google tries to sprint further ahead in the race for Internet advertising.

Google took control of DoubleClick a few hours after Europe's antitrust regulators removed the final stumbling block by approving a deal that was first announced 11 months ago.

U.S. regulators cleared the transaction in December, casting aside objections from Microsoft and other companies that argued DoubleClick would give Google too much control over online advertising and potentially sensitive information about consumer behavior on the Internet.

Besides opening up new opportunities, Google's takeover of DoubleClick will create more challenges for a management team already grappling with concerns about how the slowing U.S. economy will affect the company's earnings growth this year.

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt acknowledged in a statement that the biggest acquisition in the company's 9 1/2-year history probably will trigger an unspecified number of layoffs after years of relentless hiring. The looming job cuts will be concentrated in the United States, although Schmidt said offices in other countries could be affected.

New York-based DoubleClick has 1,500 employees with offices in France, England, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Australia and Spain. Mountain View-based Google employs nearly 17,000 workers, up from 1,600 just four years ago.

Google's recently slumping shares soared with the rest of the stock market Tuesday, gaining $26.22, or 6.3 percent, to $439.84. The company's stock price remains down by 36 percent so far this year.

DoubleClick is expected to broaden Google's already extensive reach in the $40 billion Internet advertising market.

Google has been the market's most dominant player so far, generating more than $16 billion in revenue last year. Most of the money flowed in from short, written ads that Google places alongside search results and other Web content.

DoubleClick specializes in placing more dynamic, multimedia ads, a form of marketing that is expected to become more important in the next few years as big companies spend more money promoting their brands online.

With somewhere between $300 million and $400 million in annual revenue, DoubleClick isn't expected to have a significant impact on Google's profit this year.

But the addition is bound to give Google an important advantage over its rivals, said Russ Mann, chief executive of Covario, which helps manage and analyze online advertising campaigns.

"Google is going to be like a runaway locomotive coming full steam ahead now," Mann said.

Standard & Poor's equity analyst Scott Kessler isn't convinced the deal will pay off for Google as quickly as some might think, largely because the company doesn't have a track record of mining big profits from its past acquisitions. For instance, Google paid $1.76 billion for online video leader YouTube in November 2006, but the site still isn't producing significant profits.

"It's definitely a big deal, but whether they can execute on the potential remains to be seen," Kessler said.

But just the prospect of Google growing even stronger now that DoubleClick is in its fold could be enough to prompt Microsoft to step up its pursuit of Yahoo or withdraw its offer to spend the money on other expansion opportunities.

"Everyone knew the (DoubleClick) deal was coming, but (the consummation) probably contributes a degree of urgency because now it is real," Kessler said.

Microsoft has offered to buy Yahoo for more than $40 billion, but the unsolicited bid has been at a standstill for the past month because the two sides can't agree on a price.

Both Microsoft and Yahoo had opposed Google's acquisition of DoubleClick, arguing that it could stifle competition in the online advertising market and potentially compromise consumer privacy.

Representatives of both Microsoft and Yahoo declined to comment Tuesday.

Google's pursuit of DoubleClick had a domino effect almost as soon as the two companies announced their marriage plans last April. Within a few months, Microsoft, Yahoo and Time Warner Inc.'s AOL had spent more than $7 billion snapping up other online ad networks and tools to mount a counterattack.

Besides helping Google build a one-step shop for advertisers and Web publishers, DoubleClick also brings a wealth of information about consumer behavior accumulated through years of tracking online surfing.

Coupled with the knowledge Google has gleaned from analyzing its users' search requests, DoubleClick's data will provide an even better understanding about what appeals to each individual consumer.

Google, which has embraced "don't be evil" as its motto, has pledged to vigilantly guard the information. Management believes the data will lead to more relevant and less annoying ads, making the Internet more enjoyable.

"We will be able to help publishers and advertisers generate more revenue," Schmidt wrote. "That in turn will fuel the creation of even more rich and diverse content for Internet users everywhere."

But consumer watchdogs are worried about too much power — and information — being concentrated at a single company.

The Center for Digital Democracy, a privacy advocate, said regulators' failure to impose safeguards had "helped strengthen a growing digital colossus that will now be in a dominant position to shape much of the global future of the Internet."


Sourav Chandidas Ganguly made his entry into this world on July 08, 1973 in Calcutta, the ‘City of Joy’, now Kolkata. He was born into a sports loving family and was the second of two sons born to Chandidas and Nirupa Ganguly. He was born into immense wealth, unlike many Indian cricketers, with the exception of royalty. His parents gave him the nickname of ‘Maharaj’ meaning ‘Prince’. Perhaps, they knew that their son was born to lead.

Sourav’s father, Chandidas Ganguly runs a flourishing printing business, the 3rd largest in Asia, that has helped make the Gangulys among the 5 richest in Kolkata. Even today, Dada's

father is one of the major barons in the printing business in Kolkata. His palatial, joint-family home which has nearly 30 members in the Kolkata suburb of Behala has more than 45 rooms. There is suggestion of affluence everything in the Ganaguly household, from the palatial 4-storey building itself to the beautifully decorated rooms. The annual turnover of Sourav's family is nearly 80 crores, with just a profit of 40 crores!

As a child, Sourav was extremely mischievous, a typical Cancerian one could say. His brother Snehashish (nicknamed Raj) was born five years before him and became an accomplished left handed batsman. Though Sourav is a natural right hander, he learned to bat with his left hand from his brother, Snehashish. Sourav does everything else, including writing and bowling with his right hand. Convenience was one of the reasons for Sourav to become a left-handed batsman as he could then use his brother's cricket gear.

For someone who is one of the best cricketers of contemporary times, it would come as a surprise to many of Sourav’s fans that cricket was not his first love. Like all people who dwell in the city of Kolkata, Sourav’s first sporting passion was football. But like most Indian kids, he had to make the difficult choice between academics and sport and his mother wasn’t very supportive of Sourav taking up cricket or any sport as a career. But Snehashish, who was an established cricketer for Bengal only strengthened his brother’s resolve to be a cricketer and he asked his father to get Sourav enrolled in a cricket coaching camp during Sourav's class ten holidays.

For a young man who used his brother's cricket gear during practice, it was indeed ironical that he replaced his brother in the Bengal cricket team and consequently, Snehashish was dropped. And thus, Sourav began a glorious cricketing career.

Sourav made his debut in international cricket way back in 1992 during a tour Down Under. But unfortunately, the 19-year old played in just one match against West Indies at Brisbane in which he failed to make an impression, and hence, was dropped from the side. A young Sourav had to face more than just the frustration of being dropped after one opportunity. Rumors of his attitude problems and lack of respect for the senior players hurt Sourav the most. There were also reports in certain newspapers that Sourav refused to carry drinks on the field for a senior cricketer, which he denies till date. He was given a raw deal on his first tour when some prominent cricketers tagged him to be ‘arrogant’ and a ‘

boy with no cricketing talent’. He was ignored for well over four years and many thought that his days as an international cricketer were numbered.

A few years later, however, Sourav came back strong and more determined than ever to make his mark in the world of cricket. He made his debut along with his good friend and now vice captain, Rahul Dravid in the 2nd test vs. England at Lord’s. Sourav amazed cricketers and critics alike when he smashed a century in his debut Test.

He went on to score a century in the very next innings as well. More success came his way when Sourav was named ‘man of the series’ in his Debut. Weeks after his successful tour of England, Sourav eloped with childhood sweetheart Dona Roy. All hell broke lose when the the families of Sourav and Dona heard learnt about the secret wedding. However, both families reconciled and a formal wedding was held in February 1997. Happily married, Sourav and Dona are proud parents of a girl named Sana, born in November 2001.

Sourav hasn’t looked back since his debut and today, he has many records to his name including that of the highest score in a World Cup and is the 2nd highest century getter in ODI after teammate Sachin Tendulkar. He is also referred to as 'the golden arm' in the Indian team as his gentle medium pace bowling has given India many a vital breakthrough in one-day cricket. In Test matches today, he, Rahul Dravid and the great Tendulkar form the core of the Indian batting line up.

This man is revered in his home town where he enjoys a God like status. But that is the price one has to pay for being a celebrity in India. If people in Kolkata come to know that Sourav is home, there is a huge crowd that gathers at the gate of his palatial home. As likeable as he is, Sourav also has been firm enough to let overbearing fans and prying media persons know that he deserves and needs his share of privacy. Sourav prefers a quiet evening alone with his wife rather than have photographers and lensmen chasing him all over Kolkata. Sourav is also a deeply religious person and observes a fast every Tuesday.

No one had thought that a lad ridiculed as a non talent, brushed off as being high headed, accused of showing disrespect towards seniors and having attitude problems would one day lead the Indian cricket team. Yet, Sourav Ganguly is now in the hot seat as the captain of the Indian Cricket team. Sourav was appointed as captain when Sachin Tendulkar, shocked everyone by stepping down from his captaincy after India’s disastrous tour Down Under in 1999. As vice captain to Tendulkar, Sourav was the most obvious choice.

Sourav began well as captain, leading India to a series win over South Africa in the 5 match one day series. He really

started coming into his own as the leader of the Indian Team in the ICC Knockout trophy, where he led India to the finals.

Sourav felt that every young player should play two years of domestic cricket before being selected for international assignments. He also said that every newcomer should be given at least five games to prove himself. Perhaps, he being at a receiving end of a raw deal that threatened to ruin his international cricket career enabled Sourav to understand the insecurities of other newcomers in the team better than his predecessors. Sourav backed the youngsters in the team tremendously and thus, gained the love of his teammates.

Sourav also was not shy of taking on responsibility. He showed that he can be a leader of a team, which has greats like Sachin and Dravid in the side, without any problems. Under Sourav's leadership, India got back the winning habit which the team had forgotten.

Today, Sourav Ganguly is the most successful Indian captain leaving Mohammed Azharuddin’s previous record of 14 test wins behind. Sourav has won 21 Tests as captain, of which more than 7 wins have come overseas! His success rate is an amazing 42%, the highest ever by an Indian captain.

Under his captaincy, the Indian team achieved remarkable heights, including the Test series win against Australia at home in 2001, reaching the World Cup Final in 2003, and winning both the one-day and Test series in Pakistan in 2004.

In just a few years, Sourav rewrote the rules of captaincy. Unlike some of his predecessors, he was impartial, non-parochial, and forever pushed his players to perform better. Off the field, Sourav’s interactions with the media, his fans, and detractors were uncompromisingly honest and earned him the respect of cricket followers everywhere. His 5-year reign

as India's most successful skipper came to an end in October 2005 when vice-captain Rahul Dravid was given the hot seat.

Sourav Ganguly is not just the ‘Prince of Calcutta’ but he is also the ‘Monarch of Indian Cricket’.


1Harvard University (MA)
2Stanford University (CA)
3University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

4Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)

5Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL)

5University of Chicago

7Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)

8University of California–Berkeley (Haas)

9Columbia University (NY)

10New York University (Stern)

11University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross)

12Duke University (Fuqua) (NC)

12University of Virginia (Darden)

14Cornell University (Johnson) (NY)

14Yale University (CT)

16University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson)

17Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA)

18University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)

18University of Texas–Austin (McCombs)

20Emory University (Goizueta) (GA)

21University of Southern California (Marshall)

22Ohio State University (Fisher)

22Purdue University–West Lafayette (Krannert) (IN)

24Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley)

25Georgetown University (McDonough) (DC)

25Georgia Institute of Technology

25University of Maryland–College Park (Smith)

25University of Minnesota–Twin Cities (Carlson)

29Michigan State University (Broad)

29Texas A&M University–College Station (Mays)

29University of Washington

29University of Wisconsin–Madison

29Washington University in St. Louis (Olin)

34Pennsylvania State University–University Park (Smeal)

34Vanderbilt University (Owen) (TN)

36University of Rochester (Simon) (NY)

37University of Florida (Warrington)

37University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign

39Boston College (Carroll)

39University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) (IN) ***

41Arizona State University–Main Campus (Carey)

41Babson College (Olin) (MA)

41Boston University

41Brigham Young University (Marriott) (UT)

45Tulane University (Freeman) (LA)

46University of California–Davis

46University of Georgia (Terry)

48Rice University (Jones) (TX)

49Wake Forest University (Babcock) (NC)

50University of Iowa (Tippie)

BRAND IIM......................A NEW POSITIONING

A new positioning

Is the 'IIM' brand name invincible?

Yes, if you play by the rules they have set for the game. The new institution builders have to find new positioning, like the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, did. It attacked the one 'Achilles heel' of the IIM model -- its major intake of fresh graduates.

ISB's one-year, work-experience only MBA was a clearly differentiated product. By aligning itself with GMAT, ISB at once established admissions credibility that was delinked from CAT.

But comparing ISB and IIM-A is comparing Aishwarya Rai and Sushmita Sen. Each has its own charm.

The future belongs to institutions which ride on a vision and serve a clear, definable customer need. The Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad, for example, fulfills the demand for high quality advertising professionals.

The problem is finding an enduring customer need -- an 'e-business MBA' has no takers today. Besides, most companies still prefer to recruit a good marketing brain from a credible institution over a super-specialised MBA in insurance or telecommunications.

Institution building is extremely hard work. It is a lot easier to view education as a business and maximise return on investment. All you really need to set up an MBA institute is a few classrooms and a bunch of 'visiting faculty.' If the IIMs are the Brahmins of the MBA hierarchy, the vast majority of B-schools are essentially merchants or 'baniyas.'

To the few attempting the brave and difficult path of institution building, my salutations.

You are the Kshatriyas, or warrior MBAs. Keep up the good fight!


Best Business Schools in the UK and Europe
This is the list of the best B Schools in Europe and UK. The rankings mentioned on the site are indicative ones. However, these rankings could vary from that of other ranking services. A striking feature of the B Schools in Europe is that many of the top schools in Europe offer a one year MBA as compared to a 2 year MBA offered by the top ranking schools in the US and elsewhere.
INSEAD, recognized as the best B School in Europe offers a One Year Full Time MBA. Insead has an Europe Campus in France and an Asian campus in Singapore. Admissions to the program is through a single pool of application for both the campuses. There are two opportunities to start your MBA each year - in both Fontainebleau and Singapore: January to December and August to July. Insead also offers a Doctoral in Management. MBA | PhD
2. London School of Business
London Business School, the most renowned B School in the UK offers a Full Time MBA program and a Doctoral program in Management. The School also offers a variety of other programs including the Executive MBA and Masters in Finance program. MBA | Masters | PhD
3. IMD, Switzerland
IMD Switzerland, one of the best business schools in europe, offers a One year full time MBA program and an Executive MBA program that can be taken in 16 months or over several years. MBA | EMBA
4. IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain
IESE, Spain offers a 19 month full time MBA program that is bilingual and a Doctoral program in Management. MBA | Ph.D
5. Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands, a premier business school in Europe, offers a Full Time International MBA that commences in October each year. In addition, the School offers various Masters programs such as Masters in Finance, Masters in HR. The School also offers a Doctoral program in Management. MBA | Ph.D
6. The Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge
The Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge, a top b school in the UK offers a One year Full Time MBA, many M.Phil and Masters courses and a Doctoral program in Management. MBA | Ph.D
7. Said Business School, University of Oxford
The Said Business School, University of Oxford, offers an Undergraduate Program and a One Year Full Time MBA program. The Business School admits between 150 and 200 students each year. UG | MBA
8. SDA Bocconi, Bocconi University School of Management, Italy
SDA Bocconi, located at the heart of Milan offers a One Year Full Time MBA and about a half a dozen Masters programs in Management. The School also offers a part time MBA without necessarily going to Milan and an Evening MBA. MBA | Masters
9. Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK
Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, offers many Undergraduate programs and Masters programs in management. The school offers four flexible MBA programs and a Doctoral program that is rated amongst the top five in the world. UG | Masters | MBA | Ph.D

Best Business Schools for MBA in Asia
This is the list of the best Asian B Schools in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Philippines and Japan. The rankings mentioned on the site for these Asia Pacific B Schools and management institutes are indicative ones. The list does not include schools in India. Indian B Schools are listed under a separate category. The rankings are only indicative and could vary from that of other ranking services.
1. Hongkong University of Science and Technology Full Time MBA Program
2. NUS Business School - National University of Singapore
3. Asian Institute of Management - Manila - Philippines
4. School of Business - University of Hong Kong MBA
5. IUJ Business School - International University of Japan
6. Nanyang Business School - Singapore
7. INSEAD - Singapore

Top Business Schools in Canada
This is the list of the top 10 best Business Schools in Canada. Amongst these top b schools are the Canadian equivalent of the Ivy League b schools. The order in which the b schools are listed on the site are quite representative of their rankings. However, the order should not be strictly construed to be rankings assigned to these b schools. The order may vary from that listed by other ranking services.
1. Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario
The School offers the Honours Business Administration, the undergraduate program in Business Administration, a graduate MBA and a Doctoral program in Management. In addition, the School also offers an Executive MBA in Hong Kong. UG | MBA | PhD

2. Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada
3. McGill Faculty of Management, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
4. Sauder School of Business, Univ of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada
5. Queen's School of Business, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
6. Simon Fraser Univ, Faculty of Bus Admin, Burnaby, B.C., Canada
7. University of New Brunswick MBA, Saint John
8. University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business, Alberta
9. Faculty of Business, University of Victoria, British Colombia
10. Michael G. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Ontorio

Best Business Schools for MBA in Australia
This is the list of the best B Schools in Australia. Some of these schools are renowned the world over. The rankings mentioned on the site for these Asia Pacific B Schools and management institutes are indicative ones. These rankings could vary from that of other ranking services.
1. Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne
Melbourne Business School, Australia ranked as the best B School in the Asia Pacific region by most surveys offers a Full Time 16 months MBA, and a Part Time MBA program. The School also offers a comprehensive Doctoral Program that offers a very wide area of specialization. Full Time MBA | PhD
2. Australian Graduate School of Management
3. Macquarie Graduate School of Management
4. Faculty of Business - Bond University
5. Faculty of Business - Queensland University of Technology
6. Curtin Business School
7. University of Tech Sydney - Business Faculty
8. Griffith University MBA
9. Mt Eliza Center for Executive Education - Melbourne Business School
10. Graduate School of Business - RMIT University
11. Graduate School of Management - Univ of Western Australia
12. The MBA program @ Univ of Queensland
13. Deakin Business School
14. National Graduate School of Management - Australian National University
15. Sydney Graduate School of Management - Univ of Western Sydney
16. Faculty of Business and Law at The Victoria University


Top B-Schools in India for MBA, PGDM
List of the best business schools in India offering PGP and Doctoral programs
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai (JBIMS)

S. P. Jain Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai (SPJIMR)

Schools of Management, IIT (Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai)

Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (MDI)

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai (NMIMS)

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIM B)

Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune (SIBM)

Symbiosis Center for Management & Human Resources Development, Pune (SCMHRD)

Institute of Management & Technology, Ghaziabad (IMT)

International Management Institute, Delhi (IMI)

Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Trichy (BIM)

Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA)

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi (IIFT)

T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal (TAPMI)

Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai (LIBA)

Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA)

Institute of Management Development Research, Pune (IMDR)

Admission Procedure to the IIMs & Top B Schools in India
Most top India Business Schools have an admission process similar to that of the IIMs
1. CAT - The Written Test / Entrance Exam
All B-Schools in India have a written aptitude test as the first stage of screening applicants. The six IIMs conduct a Common Admission Test (CAT), usually on the third Sunday of every November. S.P. Jain Mumbai, Management Development Institute (MDI) Gurgaon, NITIE Bombay and many other business schools and MBA colleges base their selection on CAT scores. Other popular written tests in India include the XAT (Xavier Admission Test) conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur conducts and this score is a criterion for admission to XIM Bhubaneswar, BIM Trichy, LIBA Chennai, XIME Bangalore, Goa Institute of Management Goa and score of other business schools. FMS Delhi, IIFT Delhi and the Schools of Management, IIT (Joint Management Entrance Test or JMET) have their own respective tests.

The written test, the first stage of elimination, tests a student's ability to perform under pressure. The areas of testing include basic mathematics taught till Class X, English taught during the first year of graduation and analytical & logical reasoning. The written test is the most difficult step in getting into a top B-School in India. Most of the elimination takes place at this stage.

About 210,000 students took CAT in 2006. Around 1600 students get admission into one of the IIMs each year.

You can download a sample diagnostic CAT test, which is representative of the written tests conducted by the best Business Schools.

2. B School Application Essays and Reference Letters
Application Essays are an integral part of most top B Schools selection process. While only those shortlisted based on their written scores in CAT are expected to write these essays in the case of the IIMs, some other top management institutes in India such as the SP Jain ask you to write many essays at the first stage itself. In the case of SP Jain, your application essays play a crucial role in getting shortlisted for the next round - viz., group interviews. However, in the case of the IIMs, they could form the basis for the interview process. IIM Bangalore, in the recent past, requires those aspirants who have cleared CAT and been shortlisted for the GD-PI to produce three letters of reference. So, if you are planning to apply to these places, meet one of your friends who has applied to these schools in the past and get his applications to get an idea of what is generally asked.

3. Group Discussions / Personal Interviews - GD / PI
Based on the performance in the written test, students are short listed for a Group Discussion and Personal Interview. At the IIMs, anyone who is shortlisted for the GD PI process attends both the group discussion and the personal interview. GD is not an elimination stage at the IIMs. However, other b schools could have the GD as an elimination process.

4. Admission
Admission is usually offered based on the cumulative scores of written test, GD / PIs, and work experience (in some cases). Admission notification from top B Schools start from the second week of March and continue till the end of April. Many of the management institutes also have a waitlist of candidates which gets updated based on the number of students in the first list who accept offers made to them.



Length: 3.1 m
Width: 1.5 m
Height: 1.6 m
To seat: 4
Engine: 643cc, 2-cylinder, all-aluminum
Power: 33 BHP
Position: Engine, battery at rear end
Boot: In front
Fuel: Petrol
Fuel injection: MPFI
Fuel consumption: 20 kmpl
AC: Only in deluxe version
Music system: No
Passenger side mirror: No
Power steering: No
ABS/airbags: No
Price: $2500 at dealer + VAT + transport cost. Base version approximate on-road price: $3000
Tyres: Tubeless tyres
Body: All-steel
Safety features: Crumple zones, intrusion-resistant doors, seat belts, 2 A-Pillars
Suspension: Independent front and rear

Measurements of the Nano
3.1 metre length
1.5 metre width
1.6 metre height

It will help India's huge two wheeler popular upgrade to a four-wheeler
Very affordable - priced a bit higher 2 125cc motorcycles in India
If popular, will clog roads in the cities
Establish a huge volume market that cannot be ignored by any large car manufacturer
40 patents by Tata Motors during development


Agra, once the capital of the Mughal Empire during the 16th and early 18th centuries, is one and a half hours by express train from New Delhi. Tourists from all over the world visit Agra not to see the ruins of the red sandstone fortress built by the Mughal emperors but to make a pilgrimage to Taj Mahal, India’s most famous architectural wonder, in a land where magnificent temples and edificies abound to remind visitors about the rich civilization of a country that is slowly but surely lifting itself into an industrialized society.
The postcard picture of Taj Mahal does not adequately convey the legend, the poetry and the romance that shroud what Rabindranath Tagore calls "a teardrop on the cheek of time". Taj Mahal means "Crown Palace" and is in fact the most well preserved and architecturally beautiful tomb in the world. It is best described by the English poet, Sir Edwin Arnold, as "Not a piece of architecture, as other buildings are, but the proud passions of an emperor’s love wrought in living stones." It is a celebration of woman built in marble and that’s the way to appreciate it.

Taj Mahal stands on the bank of River Yamuna, which otherwise serves as a wide moat defending the Great Red Fort of Agra, the center of the Mughal emperors until they moved their capital to Delhi in 1637. It was built by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan in 1631 in memory of his second wife, Mumtaz Mahal, a Muslim Persian princess. She died while accompanying her husband in Burhanpur in a campaign to crush a rebellion after giving birth to their 14th child. The death so crushed the emperor that all his hair and beard were said to have grown snow white in a few months.

When Mumtaz Mahal was still alive, she extracted four promises from the emperor: first, that he build the Taj; second, that he should marry again; third, that he be kind to their children; and fourth, that he visit the tomb on her death anniversary. He kept the first and second promises. Construction began in 1631 and was completed in 22 years. Twenty thousand people were deployed to work on it. The material was brought in from all over India and central Asia and it took a fleet of 1000 elephants to transport it to the site. It was designed by the Iranian architect Ustad Isa and it is best appreciated when the architecture and its adornments are linked to the passion that inspired it. It is a "symbol of eternal love".

The Taj rises on a high red sandstone base topped by a huge white marble terrace on which rests the famous dome flanked by four tapering minarets. Within the dome lies the jewel-inlaid cenotaph of the queen. So exquisite is the workmanship that the Taj has been described as "having been designed by giants and finished by jewellers". The only asymmetrical object in the Taj is the casket of the emperor which was built beside the queen’s as an afterthought. The emperor was deposed by his son and imprisoned in the Great Red Fort for eight years but was buried in the Taj. During his imprisonment, he had a view of the Taj.

As a tribute to a beautiful woman and as a monument for enduring love, the Taj reveals its subtleties when one visits it without being in a hurry. The rectangular base of Taj is in itself symbolic of the different sides from which to view a beautiful woman. The main gate is like a veil to a woman’s face which should be lifted delicately, gently and without haste on the wedding night. In indian tradition the veil is lifted gently to reveal the beauty of the bride. As one stands inside the main gate of Taj, his eyes are directed to an arch which frames the Taj.

The dome is made of white marble, but the tomb is set against the plain across the river and it is this background that works its magic of colours that, through their reflection, change the view of the Taj. The colours change at different hours of the day and during different seasons. Like a jewel, the Taj sparkles in moonlight when the semi-precious stones inlaid into the white marble on the main mausoleum catch the glow of the moon. The Taj is pinkish in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines. These changes, they say, depict the different moods of woman.

Different people have different views of the Taj but it would be enough to say that the Taj has a life of its own that leaps out of marble, provided you understand that it is a monument of love. As an architectural masterpiece, nothing could be added or substracted from it.


Kumbh(Pot) Mela(Fair) is that pilgrimage occurs four times every twelve years, once at each of the four locations in India. Attended by millions of people, making it the largest pilgrimage gathering around the world.

When Jupiter (Guru) and Sun are in zodiac sign Leo(Simha Rashi) it is celebrated in Trimbakeshwar, Nashik.

A ritual bath at a predetermined time and place is the major event of this festival. Thousands of holy men/women (monks, saints, sadhus) grace the occasion by their presence. A holy dip in the river is considered to wash away all your past sins. Other activities include religious discussions, devotional singing, mass feeding of holy men/women and the poor, and religious assemblies where doctrines are debated and standardized.

The observance of Kumbha Mela is based upon the following story : thousands of years ago, perhaps in the Vedic period, gods and demons made a temporary agreement to work together in obtaining amrita (the nectar of immortality) from the Milky Ocean, and to share this equally. However, when the Kumbha (pot) containing the amrita appeared, the demons ran away with the pot and were chased by the gods. For twelve days and twelve nights (equivalent to twelve human years) the gods and demons fought in the sky for the possession of this pot of amrita. It is said that during the battle, drops of amrita fell on to four places : Prayag, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik. Thus, Kumbha mela is observed at these four locations where the nectar fell.

The Four locations are
* Prayag (near the city of Allahabad, in the state of Uttar Pradesh) at the confluence of three rivers Ganga (Ganges), Yamuna and Saraswati
* Haridwar (in the state of Uttar Pradesh) where the river Ganga enters the plains from Himalayas
*Ujjain (in Madhya Pradesh), on the banks of Ksipra river
* Nasik (in Maharashtra) on the banks of Godavari river.



Hampi is an excursion back into time. The monuments here are an exploration of an artist's love for his land and the unabashed expression of such love.

Rocks must be loved
They are gods, dancers, elephants, horses
Waiting for deliverance.
Rock and inner space


Few steps from the Jain Temple leads to the curious monument, which is called King's Balance or Tula Purushadana. Here the kings of Vijayanagara on certain occasions like solar or lunar eclipse, New years day and Coronation day used to perform religious ceremony, having themselves weighed against their own weight in gold and precious stones and distribute them to the Brahmans. It is on two lofty 15 feet granite pillars a stone beam (nearly 12 feet) has been kept, carved with three stone rings, which resemble a large pair of scales. On this ornamentally carved pillar, sculptures of king and his two wives can be seen.



Hear me child, and know Me for who I am.

I have been with you since you were born, and I will stay with you until you return to Me at the final dusk.

I am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream.

I am the One who calls to you at the end of your journey. After the day is done, My children find their blessed rest in my embrace.

I am the womb from which all things are born.

I am the shadowy, still tomb; all things must come to Me and bare their breasts to die and be reborn to the Whole.

I am the Sorceress that will not be ruled, the Weaver of Time, the Teacher of Mysteries. I snip the threads that bring my children home to me. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless.

Swallow your fear and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage.

I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice.

I am the glowing forge that transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to my embrace and overcome.

I am the glinting sword that protects you from harm.

I am the crucible in which all the aspects of yourself merge together in a rainbow of union.

I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight, shrouded in mystery.

I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed. Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look upon my face, there is no return.

I am the fire that kisses the shackles away. I am the cauldron in which all opposites grow to know each other in Truth. I am the web which connects all things.

I am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time.

I make the weak strong. I make the arrogant humble. I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. I am Justice tempered with Mercy.

Most importantly, child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. Know me. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness. Take my Love with you everywhere and find the Power within to be who you wish.


Amidst the chanting of hymns, smitten fans of Bachchan on Thursday began a daylong "puja" or worship of photos and models of the matinee idol's bust marking the beginning of a four-month-long "festival" on the matinee idol who also has a wax image at Madame Tussaud's.

To the religious this might be sacrilege. But the 59-year-old Bachchan is set to make the transition from demigod to god for his fans across the world as smoothly as his metamorphosis from the idolized "angry young man" of the 1970s to current goateed, dignified and fatherly image.

And his worshippers certainly left nothing to chance.

"The traditional Hindu way of worship began around 8:30 a.m. First Lord Ganesh (the elephant god) was worshipped, then Lord Narayan and finally god Amitabh Bachchan," S.P. Kamat, state secretary of the Amitabh Bachchan Fans Association (ABFA) told IANS.

Six Hindu priests conducted the ceremony, chanting hymns from scriptures in front of a huge garlanded framed photograph of a young Bachchan at the ABFA club in the Dumdum neighborhood.

Photographs of Hindu gods Ganesh and Narayan also form part of the pantheon.A sculptor from Asansol, 150 km from Kolkata, built a plaster of Paris bust of Bachchan for the ceremony.

"We are a trifle tense because the 'puja' has to end by 7 p.m. and immediately after that begins the inauspicious partial lunar eclipse from 7:07 p.m.," said Kamat.

"A person who has touched so many lives, can he be any less than a god?" asked Rahul Garg, a diehard Bachchan fan, whose advent on the silver screen in the 1960s initiated a new chapter in Indian cinema.

"Today's puja marks the beginning of a four-month-long Amitabh Utsav (festival) to be organized by ABFA chapters across the country," said Kamat.

At the end of it, poor people of the area would be fed in a community feast sponsored by the club. The ABFA will also organize philanthropic activities in honor of Bachchan whose films like Deewar, Zanjeer , Sholay and others form a repertoire of about 100 movies that have redefined celluloid stardom.

About 1,000 patients will be treated at four microsurgery eye camps. Fans will also undertake a campaign to popularize the idea of eye donation. Bachchan and his wife Jaya have already pledged to donate their eyes. On July 8, the ABFA will arrange a blood donation camp for thalassaemia patients, another cause close to Bachchan's heart. The first 500 blood donors would be given free tickets to the first day first show of Bachchan's forthcoming release Aks on July 13.

An exhibition on the life and times of Bachchan will be held in Kolkata from September 28 to 30. Drawing, essay and photography competitions would also be organized as also the screening of his popular films from September 20 to October 4.

The festival would conclude on October 11 with the launch of a book, "Amitabh and I," containing write-ups by people both famous and ordinary, whose lives Bachchan has "touched." The film star has reportedly agreed to launch the book in Mumbai.

ABFA's Kolkata chapter is looking for a suitable plot in the Dumdum area to build the Amitabh Temple, where an idol of the cine star would be installed.

"We have short-listed a few plots and would soon finalize one after which the construction work could begin," said club functionary Aditya Anuragi.

The "rules" for entering the temple would also be unique. A devotee wishing to pray before Bachchan's idol would first have to recite dialogues from some of his famous films. Also instead of religious hymns, Bachchan's dialogues from his films would be chanted during prayer sessions.

A museum on Bachchan is also being planned, which will contain a complete collection of his films, artifacts and other memorabilia.

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