Sunday, March 9, 2008

GRE Time Breakdown

GRE Time Breakdown
For each section you will be given a fixed amount of time. Here is the GRE time breakdown:

Section Number of Questions Time
Analytical Writing 1 Issue Task 45 min
1 Argument Task 30 min
Verbal 30 30 min
Quantitative 28 45 min
Pretest Varies Varies
Research Varies Varies

In addition to Analytical Writing, Verbal, and Quantitative there are the possible pretest and research sections. A pretest is either a Quantitative or a Verbal section that might be included and could appear in any order after Analytical Writing. Research sections are for experimental purposes and always appear at the end of the exam.

Neither the pretest nor the research sections are included in your score; however, you won't know if a section is a pretest so it's always best to do your best on all sections.

Take a look at the above table. You should note that time and the number of questions are fixed for all other sections. Use this information to your advantage. Practice with your GRE preparation materials, and learn to pace yourself. Allot a specific amount of time to each question, and if you do not know the answer, do not waste time pondering over it. Just guess and move on. You can redeem yourself on the next question.

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