Friday, February 29, 2008


Avoid problems created by these words or phrases: And also This is often redundant.
And/or Outside of the legal world, most of the time this construction is used, it is neither necessary nor logical. Try using one word or the other.
As to whether The single word whether will suffice. Basically, essentially, totally These words seldom add anything useful to a sentence. Try the sentence without them and, almost always, you will see the sentence improve.
Being that or being as These words are a non-standard substitute for because. Being that Because I was the youngest child, I always wore hand-me-downs.
Considered to be Eliminate the to be and, unless it's important who's doing the considering, try to eliminate the entire phrase. Due to the fact that Using this phrase is a sure sign that your sentence is in trouble. Did you mean because? Due to is acceptable after a linking verb (The team's failure was due to illness among the stars.); otherwise, avoid it.
Each and every One or the other, but not both.
Equally as Something can be equally important or as important as, but not equally as important.
Etc. This abbreviation often suggests a kind of laziness. It might be better to provide one more example, thereby suggesting that you could have written more, but chose not to.
He/she is a convention created to avoid gender bias in writing, but it doesn't work very well and it becomes downright obtrusive if it appears often. Use he or she or pluralize (where appropriate) so you can avoid the problem of the gender-specific pronoun altogether.
Firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc. Number things with first, second, third, etc. and not with these adverbial forms.
Got Many writers regard got as an ugly word, and they have a point. If you can avoid it in writing, do so. I have got to must begin studying right away. I have got two pairs of sneakers. Had ought or hadn't ought. Eliminate the auxiliary had. You hadn't ought not to pester your sister that way.
Interesting One of the least interesting words in English, the word you use to describe an ugly baby. If you show us why something is interesting, you're doing your job.
In terms of See if you can eliminate this phrase. Irregardless No one word will get you in trouble with the boss faster than this one. Kind of or sort of. These are OK in informal situations, but in formal academic prose, substitute somewhat, rather or slightly. We were kind of rather pleased with the results. Literally This word might be confused with literarily, a seldom used adverb relating to authors or scholars and their various professions. Usually, though, if you say it's "literally a jungle out there," you probably mean figuratively, but you're probably better off without either word.
Lots or lots of In academic prose, avoid these colloquialisms when you can use many or much. Remember, when you do use these words, that lots of something countable are plural. Remember, too, that a lot of requires three words: "He spent a lot of money" (not alot of).
Just Use only when you need it, as in just the right amount.
Nature See if you can get rid of this word. Movies of a violent nature are probably just violent movies.
Necessitate It's hard to imagine a situation that would necessitate the use of this word. Of Don't write would of, should of, could of when you mean would have, should have, could have.
On account of Use because instead. Only Look out for placement. Don't write "He only kicked that ball ten yards" when you mean "He kicked that ball only ten yards."
Orientate The new students become oriented, not orientated. The same thing applies to administrate -- we administer a project.
Per Use according to instead. We did it per your instructions? Naah. (This word is used frequently in legal language and in technical specifications, where it seems to be necessary and acceptable.)
Plus Don't use this word as a conjunction. Use and instead.
Point in time Forget it! At this time or at this point or now will do the job. Previous as in "our previous discussion." Use earlier or nothing at all. So as to Usually, a simple to will do. Suppose to, use to. The hard "d" sound in supposed to and used to disappears in pronunciation, but it shouldn't disappear in spelling. "We used to do that" or "We were supposed to do it this way."
The reason why is because. Deja vu all over again!
Thru This nonstandard spelling of through should not be used in academic prose.
'Til Don't use this word instead of until or till, even in bad poetry. Try and Don't try and do something. Try to do something. Thusly Use thus or therefore instead. Utilize Don't use this word where use would suffice. (Same goes for utilization.)
Very, really, quite (and other intensifiers) Like basically, these words seldom add anything useful. Try the sentence without them and see if it improves.
Words and Expressions Commonly Misused: A chapter from William Strunk's Elements of Style, one of the most influential books on writing ever written.
Deadwood Phrases: Part of a corporate style sheet put together by Michaela Mann of the Pacific Northwest Laboratory.
Word for the Wise: Scripts from a two-minute radio show exploring one of America's favorite topics: the English language. Maintained by Merriam Webster's Inc.
Banned for Life: In this eminently readable Web site, Tom Mangan has collected the "favorite" clichés of editors and journalism instructors from around the world. Warning: reading this material can make you tongue-tied.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- )? Bawdy means lewd, obscene, indecent
We spent the night drinking beer and singing bawdy bar songs with lyrics I wouldn’t want my mother to hear
Oscillate (v.) (Os-uh-layt)
To oscillate means:
A. To dipB. To waverC. To tiltD. To fillE. To wander
B)? To oscillate means to swing to and fro like a pendulum, to waver.
“Don’t pay Sam any mind,” said Martha.? “His emotions oscillate like a fan these days.? I think it’s hormones.”
Fallacious (adj.)? (fuh-LAY-shush)
Fallacious means:
A. MisleadingB. StimulatingC. LargeD. MeanE. Famous
A)? Fallacious means misleading, erroneous, illogical.
The jury voted not guilty, because they perceived the prosecutor’s reasoning as fallacious.? His argument just didn’t hold water
Waggish (adj.) (WAG-ish)
Waggish means:
A. Often deceitfulB. Sharp tonguedC. Prone to stealingD. UntrustworthyE. Fond of joking
E)? Waggish means fond of joking, mischievous, prone to pranks.
Type the sentence “I’d like to see Bill Clinton resign'’ in a Word document, highlight it, and then run it through the program’s thesaurus.? The waggish thesaurus retorts with the phrase “I’ll drink to that.'’
Contusion (n.) (Kun-TOO-zhun)
A contusion is:
A. A cutb. A lumpC. A breakD. A bruiseE. A sharp pain
D)? A contusion is an injury that does not break the skin, a bruise.
He was lucky to walk away from the accident with only a few contusions and a loose tooth
Dross (n.) (DROHS)
Dross refers to:
A. HilarityB. WasteC. ExcessD. Bad tasteE. Lack
B)? Dross is technically the waste or scum that comes to the surface of melting metals, but in usage it refers to any kind of waste, rubbish, or worthless material.
“Don’t be afraid of life’s pressures,” my father was fond of saying. “The fires of living will burn off the dross, revealing your sterling character underneath. ”
Feign (v.) (FAYN)
To feign means:
A. To pretendB. To hedgeC. To fallD. To collapseE. To smile
A)? To feign means to pretend, to put on a false appearance.
Jackson feigned illness, but got caught when he went to school the next day with sunburn
Macerate (v.) (Mass-ur-ayt)
To macerate means:
A. To chewB. To destroyC. To softenD. To mixE. To stretch
C)? To macerate means to soften or break down by soaking.
The leaves, macerated by the three days of rain, made a huge mess in the back yard
Commodious (adj.)? (cum-OH-dee-us)
Commodious means:
A. EasyB. SpaciousC. HospitableD. FlexibleE. Temporary
B)? Commodious means spacious, having lots of room.
Polly was thrilled to move from her one-room apartment into a commodious house with a big back yard and a gardenThwart (v.) (THWOHRT)
To thwart means:
A. To fixB. To frustrateC. To glanceD. To surpriseE. To regret
B)? To thwart means to frustrate, to hinder or prevent from doing something, to oppose or defeat.
Each time we tried to get away for the weekend, our plans were thwarted.? First Sarah got sick, then the car broke down, and there were torrential rains
Rotunda (n.) (row-TUHN-duh)
A rotunda is a room or building that:
A. Is circularB. Is hugeC. Is famousD. Is for the peopleE. Is for government
A)? A rotunda is a circular building or part of a building, usually with a dome.
Rusty said he would meet us in the Rotunda of the Capitol
Philander (v.) (fil-AN-dur)
To philander means:
A. To steal moneyB. To give large sums of moneyC. To make love without serious intentionD. To waste resourcesE. To travel extensively
C)? To philander means to make love without serious intention, to flirt.? A philanderer is a man who romances many women without the intention to marry.
After four different women called wanting to speak to my brother, my father told him in no uncertain terms that he should stop his philandering and pay more attention to his course work
Titanic (adj.) (tye-TAN-ik)
Titanic means:
A. InfluentialB. WiseC. GodlikeD. EnormousE. Sea-worthy
D)? Titanic means huge, enormous.? It comes from the Titans (any of the sons of Uranus and Gaea, including Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus) who were of enormous size, strength, and power.
The storm kicked up titanic waves that threatened to engulf the beach house
Akimbo (adv.)? (Ah-KIM-bohw)
Akimbo means:
A. Off to the sideB. From the jungleC. With arms crossedD. With legs crossedE. With hands on hips
E)? Akimbo means with hands on hips.? It can be used as an adverb: He stood akimbo in the doorway.? It can also be used as an adjective: We laughed at the picture of the four akimbo sisters standing talking to one another in the yard
Beatific (adj.) (bee-uh-TIF-ik)
Beatific means:
A. BohemianB. PoeticC. WiseD. BlissfulE. Glowing
D)? Beatific means blissful, showing very great happiness, exalted.
Jennie wore a beatific smile as she walked down the aisle in her long white dress
Hubris (n.) (HEW-brus)
Hubris means:
A. CompassionB. Self-esteemC. ArroganceD. IgnoranceE. Emotional pain
C)? Hubris means arrogance, insolent pride.
He had the hubris to lecture people twice his age on the meaning of suffering
Lucre (n.) (LEW-kur)
Lucre refers to:
A. SpiteB. MoneyC. FameD. PowerE. Greed
B)? Lucre means money, but usually with negative implications, money considered as a bad or degrading influence; gain viewed as a low motive for action.
He sold out his country for lucre
Tyro (n.) (TYE-row)
A tyro is:
A. A beginnerB. A bullyC. One who is spoiledD. Someone with energyE. Someone who controls
A)? A tyro is a beginner, a novice, someone just starting out and learning.
Harold and Jason laughed at the wobbly tyros on roller blades for the first time
Pulchritude (n.) (PUHL-krih-tood)
Pulchritude refers to:
A. EnergyB. WealthC. BeautyD. PiousnessE. Simplicity
C)? Pulchritude means physical beauty, loveliness.
My brother called his college dorm room “the hall of pulchritude,” and on the walls he had pictures of fifty gorgeous models and three ex girlfriends
Devoid (adj.) dee-VOYD
Devoid means:
A. WeakB. FullC. IgnorantD. LostE. Lacking
E)? Devoid means lacking, wanting, entirely without.
Fred was absolutely devoid of humor that he didn’t crack a smile, even when the rest of us were rolling on the floor laughing
Bawdy (adj.) (BAW-dee)
Bawdy means:
A. HumorousB. FatC. TeasingD. LewdE. Disrespectful
D)? Bawdy means lewd, obscene, indecent
We spent the night drinking beer and singing bawdy bar songs with lyrics I wouldn’t want my mother to hear
Oscillate (v.) (Os-uh-layt)
To oscillate means:
A. To dipB. To waverC. To tiltD. To fillE. To wander
B)? To oscillate means to swing to and fro like a pendulum, to waver.
“Don’t pay Sam any mind,” said Martha.? “His emotions oscillate like a fan these days.? I think it’s hormones.”
Fallacious (adj.)? (fuh-LAY-shush)
Fallacious means:
A. MisleadingB. StimulatingC. LargeD. MeanE. Famous
A)? Fallacious means misleading, erroneous, illogical.
The jury voted not guilty, because they perceived the prosecutor’s reasoning as fallacious.? His argument just didn’t hold water

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